Monday 23 June 2014

Japan's secret garden

We are now mid-way through the rainy Season in Japan. It started with a bang this year. I have never seen it rain like this before. Almost a whole week of rain non-stop as though that the rain wants to make not only an announcement, but an announcement with a big exclamation mark. (For those who are travelling to Japan, please note that the rainy season starts sometime from June to the middle of July every year).

To tell the truth, I am not a fan of rain and especially the hot and humid wetness that comes with the rainy season. Plus, it makes the flowers I am planning to photograph look less spectacular.

But there is one activity that I like to do whenever it rains, nap. This is a much needed luxury as for the past six months, my life is taking some small changes.

For a start, I had to get a new laptop. My old one got fried after my constant abuse that comes with my tech-norance. I am still in the stage of getting to know my laptop (it's Windows 8 and I am old-fashioned) and half-speed with it.

Then, I moved to a bigger apartment. Not just a bigger apartment but also, brighter and on higher floor. But the search for this place has been taxing. I have done house-hunting with many housing agents over 3 months before I decided this is the one and the work paid off. I loved it! The size is what I craved for after all those years living in a small apartment in Tokyo. And it comes with a balcony that allows me another small luxury - to plant some herbs and other plants.

After 2 months of tender, loving care (yes, I meant it with a pun!), I am happy to see some recent sprouts (I may have an avocado tree soon!!! *Happy shriek!!!*) and feeling proud that I didn't 'murder' any plants so far. I love gazing at them. Sometimes for hours. And I think they have been given some much attention that I am neglecting my other activities such as going out to photograph new flower spots and blogging. I will blog on my plants another time (Can't help but to share with you my proudest moment *beaming*)

Well, I am here to give you a very exclusive article on a relatively unknown flower spot in Japan. I know it is a 'secret' flower spot because the significant lack of foreigners and the people who visited this place are the old Japanese obasan and ojisan. I didn't even meet any Japanese or foreigner my age or younger. Not this time for this trip. And if you are staying in Tokyo, this place is easily accessible with a train that takes no longer than 2-hours ride *wink wink*.

Right... First, please enjoy the photos. May I present you, *drum roll* Ms Japonica Primula from Japan!!!

Ms Japonica Primula is also known as Ms Japanese Primrose or Kurinso (クリンソウ) in Japanese.

Her favourite colours ranging from white to red.

She loves being in a shady spot with lots of moisture, especially near a stream or river.

Best time to see her is from early June till mid-June.

To see this beautiful lady, make your way to Tobu-Nikko station or JR Nikko station visit her at Senjugahama  (千手ヶ浜).

As there are several ways to get to Senjugahama, I am going to list the most flexible, the most convenient and the fastest way.

The most flexible (if you are not rushing for time. It takes roughly about 1.5hours of transportation time excluding waiting time to get to Senjugahama).
Upon arrival at either train station, board the Tobu Bus (東武バス) heading to Yumoto Onsen (湯元温泉行) and stop at Akanuma (赤沼) bus stop for one hour or so. From Akanuma bus stop, you can either walk (I am guessing 1.5hours or so) or take the low-emission hybrid bus (低公害バス) from Akanuma Shako bus stop (赤沼車庫バス停) to Senjugahama bus stop (千手ヶ浜バス停) for another 30mins and then, from the Senjugahama bus stop, you walk 15mins to this place called Senjugahama (千手ヶ浜). It is also the last stop for the bus. Please remember to prepare the exact change (\300 per person per way) for the bus.

The most convenient (with the least transfers)
Alternatively, you can board the Tobu Bus (東武バス) heading to Yumoto Onsen (湯元温泉) and stop at Yuransen Hacyakusho (遊覧船発着所) bus stop. After that, walk towards the pier and board Chuzenji -ko Cruise that is heading towards Senjugahama (千手ヶ浜) for 40mins. Be careful with the timing for the cruise - there is only one departure from this pier and that is at 12:30pm.

The fastest (with the least transfers and more option for the cruise departures)
However, if you are able to make it to the Shobugahama pier (菖蒲ケ浜) then, there three departures from there at 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00. From Shobugahama pier, it is only 15mins cruise to Senjugahama.

You can get the timetable for the bus at Tobu-Nikko website, the low-emission hybrid bus website and the Chuzenji-ko cruise website (all of it in Japanese).

If you do visit them, please share with me your beautiful photos. I love to hear from you ❤ Meantime, enjoy these photos!

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